About Shadows Bath-English version

“”Thus, the bath with shadow stuff is really the preparation for the dream power method of learning ‘more and more about the spirit and Their wonderful world of wisdom and esoteric knowledge”Bertiaux M.

A practice of very simple construction, which embodies both a technique in its own right by which to receive power and a preparatory function to approach the dream of power. Ask yourself in a room where the only light comes from the flame of a blue or black candle. This serves to ensure that it produces a large amount of shadow substance all around you. Stay with your naked body in this room and acted like you’re taking a bath with the shadow stuff of which the room must be pregnant. You will then proceed by sliding the palm of your hand just above the surface of the skin, sliding on your bare flesh without ever touching IT. Through your fingers, with each pass the power coming out of the shadows will enter into you, giving you more and more mental power.



The Shadow Bath, is one of the four methods set out about Bertiaux speaks in his Voudon Gnostic Workbook, about the techniques to contact and establish a progressive symbiosis with the Spirits. I speak also in my book, even if briefly. The basic concept that must be understood in order to understand the cause of the effectiveness of magic technique which is in the shade, there are different levels of density. This happens in dell’Iper-cosmos Worlds and in this earthly dimension, for the law of analogy. The shadow conveys the alien information coming from the spirits through a form of lunar radiation,specular ( as concept ) at sunlight ratiating . If we look to the meat as an energy aggregate, we conceive the possibility of making us go through what is contiguous. The Shadow diving, as a concept, is equal to immersion in water. It is energy expressions in all cases. The substantial energy monism from which the potential permeability of All about everything, must also be understood and metabolized. In my book I did not have space to give all explanations. IN V.g.w we speak of a dark room with a candle, where there is plenty of shade. In reality it would be better to have a room never crossed by the light for at least one month, with the aim of making the liquid Shadow, in order to have quickened the shadow on the material plane. I have such a room dedicated to the God Anubis where THERE IS NO LIGHT OF SUN fROM three years. For example, in order to what the God learn to me, in every house i was goin i take one room only for Anubis God and in this Room i Close all the windows and i Live in darkness. Every things a do in the Room, i do it without light. I learn,because this, to move my body in the Shadows, to See throught the shadows, and to use the inner view to move me in the Room. This i do, because i prefer live without A Room, that without Anubis. And so, this Room, without sun from 3 years and the Anubis Statue, absorbed progressively the Power of Shadows. So, when i read in the V.G.W ABOUT the Shadow bath, i undestood deeply the technique.  So, for example, i used to close my in my House, when i can, in darkness for days, without see sun, without see no one, in the darkness. By the day, i lost my perpection of Time, and i start linving with the sensation of eternal present. Everyone, every time, disappeared in darkness. By this way, i use recharge me of Shadows, or use this way to other aims. In the extreme application this method implies to stay in a coven for 3 days. I use my house as a coven to close me in without light. This is, at the end, all derived from the same sostantial NATUREe of energy. And by This way, fro example, I keep alive the vibrational flow of the Living God in fetish statue. What Bertiaux read is only one, a simple , very simple method, based on this i say you. It IS clear that, unlike as writes Bertiaux, the room should be kept in the dark as much as possible FIRST so that the shadow bath is effective. This is a brief introduction.